Bryn Mawr Summer Writing Program
Posted in HomeBy adminOn 25/10/17Summer Internships 2. Postcards from Bryn Mawr College students. Black Cultural Archives This is the exterior of the building, which has interactive artwork celebrating important Black British figures. Name Kamara Simms. Class Year 2. 01. Major English. Minor Africana Studies. Hometown London, United Kingdom. Internship Placement Black Cultural Archives. Job Title Exhibition Guide. Location London, United Kingdom. Whats happening at your internship My internship has been very research focused, and I have had the opportunity to research some incredible people and topics pertaining to Black British history. Ive spent much of my time in the reading room and archives, satiating my want to know more about the history of Black people in my country. I have used my research to assist Black Cultural Archives marketing manager in promoting BCA through social media and their website. Ive also worked very closely with BCAs Black Sound exhibition, which showcases a timeline of Black British music and pays homage to its legacy and impact. Bryn Mawr Summer Writing Program' title='Bryn Mawr Summer Writing Program' />Ive created databases, contacted influential artists and conducted interviews. Furthermore, Ive had the opportunity to experience the community that BCA fosters through working in the caf and attending their evening events and themed days. My favourite has been The Poets Corner, which is their spoken word event hosted every Wednesday evening. Windrush Square, just outside of Black Cultural Archives In this photo, I am standing in front of the newly established memorial honouring Caribbeans and Africans who fought for the British Commonwealth during World War I and World War II. Submissions for the Creative Writing Programs 2013 Bryn Mawr Literary Contests are due by Tuesday, March 19, at 4 p. For more information about submission. Colson Whitehead Talks Writing and Donna Summer. Colson Whitehead. Bryn Mawr as part of the Creative Writing Program. RES_twoboys_science.jpg' alt='Bryn Mawr Summer Writing Program' title='Bryn Mawr Summer Writing Program' />Why did you apply for this internship I am very interested in identity politics pertaining to race, and I wanted to learn more about Black British history. Academically, my work lies in identity politics and literature of the African diaspora, and I am a firm believer that one cannot navigate the process of conceptualising and understanding blackness without first understanding the history of black people. As such, volunteering at the Black Cultural Archives, the UKs first dedicated Black heritage centre, seemed like an excellent way to spend my summer. What has been your favorite part of this internshipMy favourite part of this internship has been researching the extensive archive collection of Black British history housed at the Black Cultural Archives. I learnt about an incredible Black British feminist named Olive Morris. Bryn Mawr Launches SummerReading Program, Aspiring Beyond Summer. Bryn Mawr for the first time this fall. Sunsoaked postcards from Bryn Mawr College. Researching and writing. X-Particles 3.0'>X-Particles 3.0. I found the information for this internship through Bryn Mawr Colleges Summer Funding. Pennsylvania Creative Writing Summer Camps at KidsCamps. Blue Tree at Bryn Mawr College Academic Programs. Sweet Pool Game'>Sweet Pool Game. Bryn Mawr, PA Page 1 of 1. Showing Results 1. Summer Filmmaking Workshop. The workshop meets Mondays through Thursdays for six weeks during the summer at Bryn Mawr Film. This program is open to high. She was a young Jamaican community leader and activist, who advocated for education and healthcare rights, and fought against police brutality. However, she is best known for standing up for squatters rights and tackling poor housing conditions for black people. Driver Pl 2303 Usb-To-Serial Port Adapter Windows 10. Many immigrant communities were discriminated against in the UK in regards to housing, with many landlords advertising No Blacks, No Dogs, No Irish in the windows of their properties. Olive Morris led the Organisation for Women of African and Asian Descent OWAAD to tackle such issues from the grassroots level. I was able to look through periodicals and pamphlets written by the organisation, and even found unpublished original works of poetry by Black women at the time addressing feelings of displacement, which really resonated with me. I was conducting this research around the time of the Grenfell Tower fire in West London, which tragically drew attention to the poor housing conditions for the working class in Britain, disproportionately affecting people of colour, so learning about a young Jamaican woman advocating to improve the poor housing conditions of the Black working class in the 1. As a Black British woman of Jamaican heritage, this is very much my history. To learn more about Olive Morris, I wrote about her for the Black Cultural Archives website bcaheritage. Black Sound pop up exhibition This exhibition, located in BCAs caf, highlights the importance of UK Garage and the legacy of Black British music. I helped to install the artwork on the tableWhat is most rewarding about your internship I get to work in an incredibly diverse workplace with a majority of black women on its staff, who are committed to uplifting the voices of black people. Black Cultural Archives sheds light on hidden figures in history whose contributions are often silenced. It has created a home in London that supports the efforts of black people past, present and future, and is dedicated to providing a space for black people to excel. It feels absolutely wonderful to be a part of this and learn from such passionate people. The myth that Black is monolithic is truly dismantled in this work environment, and the black body is recognised as more than its racialised subjugation. We are valued and we are empowered as the creatives, intellectuals, and forward thinkers that we are. I feel privileged that I was given the opportunity to work here for the summer, and am definitely interested in continuing to volunteer here in the future.